
New Product Design


1 Quarter


For use when a product is ill-defined, unsure of market fit, or complete product redesign.


Identifies market fit. Aligns organization. Illuminates places to investigate further, and where to invest.


Start with mapping the end-to-end user journey, involving representatives from different business units. Then break the journey down step-by-step on boards, using words, sketches, screenshots - whatever illustrates that moment. Slowly build up each step over weeks of ideating and iterating as a team. Next transpose into a prototype that illustrates important workflows or scenarios.

Share prototype with internal stakeholder and users for feedback.

Remember to emphasize this is a concept and exploratory, not a promise to be built. The goal is to outline the overarching vision.



An artifact that illustrates an entire end-to-end experience that a target user goes through in order to accomplish a goal that aligns with the needs of that audience. The output can be used to identify work for multiple quarters.

Key points


Publishing to JSTOR: An ambitious new user experience for JSTOR Forum.