
New Feature Design


1-2 weeks


Allows for exploring ideas before engineering resources are committed. Provides early feedback to validate the soundness of concepts. Solves multiple features and/or flow problems. Addresses the product manager's chicken and the egg problem:


Illustrate a breadth of potential solutions.


The product designer and product manager closely collaborate throughout the process. Use annotations, diagrams, and abstract UI mockups as needed to explain the concepts. UI can be rough and lo-fidelity, such as simple screengrabs. Feel free to borrow, remix, and explore multiple directions. If possible, for the duration of concept development, the designer's time should be protected so they can focus solely on this task.



Presentation with flow diagrams, sitemaps, high level UI only showing detail when it matters. Emphasize there is no commitment to build. Make clear to PM and engineers that this is an experiment and The Product Team has the final say on any next steps.

Key points


Merging web apps into a single tool